UK KDD 2013
A one-day conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
Tuesday March 26th 2013 at the BCS London office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Photographs from UKKDD 2013

Real AI 2013
Monday October 7th 2013 at the BCS London Office (near Covent Garden) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event is designed to showcase practical applications of artificial intelligence, of particular interest to business and industry. Click here for full details.

Conversational Agents: Betty and The Narrator
Monday October 7th 2013 at the BCS London Office (near Covent Garden) from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. A demonstration of two innovative Chatbots with a lot of time available to allow attendees to gain hands-on experience with both. Our aim is to allow the maximum number of people to interact both with 'Betty', the reminiscence aid and 'The Narrator', which knows a lot about the history of HMS Ark Royal. Both systems are based on research carried out at Manchester Metropolitan University by Collette Curry and others.

Click here for further details. This is a free event open to all (registration needed).
Online registration form

There will be refreshments provided from 5 p.m. onwards between the Real AI and the Conversational Agents events.

A one-day training event for AI research students at Peterhouse College, Cambridge on Monday December 9th, the day before AI-2013 starts. This is a free event except for a contribution of £10 (+VAT) towards the cost of refreshments and lunch in the College. Discounts are available for group bookings. Click here for further information.

Our thirty-third annual international conference will be held in Cambridge, England from December 10th-12th 2013. Click here for details.
Please note that it is our strong intention that (as for many previous years) the proceedings of AI-2013 will be published in December, thus meeting the deadline for inclusion in the UK government's Research Excellence Framework exercise (REF 2014).

Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025