UK KDD 2015
A one-day conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
POSTPONED - the next symposium will be on Monday March 21st 2016 - see

Real AI 2015
Friday October 9th 2015 at the BCS London Office (near Covent Garden) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event is designed to showcase practical applications of artificial intelligence, of particular interest to business and industry.

This year's event includes presentations on

Real AI costs £90 plus 20% VAT (gross £108.00) for BCS members, £100 plus VAT @20% (gross £120.00) for non-members and only £50 plus VAT @20% (gross £60.00) for students, including lunch and refreshments. Group discounts are available.

Online registration form

Our thirty-fifth annual international conference will be held in Cambridge, England from December 15th-17th 2015.

A one-day training event for AI research students at Peterhouse College, Cambridge on Monday December 14th, the day before AI-2015 starts. This is a free event except for a contribution towards the cost of refreshments and lunch in the College. Discounts are available for group bookings. Online registration form

Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025