AI-2007 Twenty-seventh SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

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accepted papers | paper format | UK universities RAE 2008 | info for authors of accepted papers

Application Stream Executive Programme Committee

Richard Ellis (Chair)

Tony Allen (Vice-Chair)

Rosemary Gilligan

Adrian Hopgood

Alice Kerly

Richard Wheeler

Application Stream Programme Committee

Tony Allen (Nottingham Trent University)

Victor Alves (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

John Bland (Nottingham Trent University )

Ken Brown (University College Cork)

Euan Davidson (University of Strathclyde)

Sarah Jane Delany (Dublin Institute of Technology)

Richard Ellis (Stratum-management)

Pablo Gervás (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

Rosemary Gilligan (University of Hertfordshire)

John Gordon (AKRI Ltd.)

Nick Granville (Smith-nephew)

Phil Hall (Elzware)

Adrian Hopgood (De Montfort University)

Tom Howley (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Estevam Hruschka Jr. (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil)

Ines Arana (The Robert Gordon University)

Alice Kerly (University of Birmingham)

Paul Leng (University of Liverpool)

Shuliang Li (University of Westminster)

Ahmad Lotfi (Nottingham Trent University)

Michael Madden (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Lars Nolle (Nottingham Trent University)

Miltos Petridis (University of Greenwich)

Miguel Salido (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Simon Thompson (BT)

Cornelius Weber (University of Sunderland)

Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos (University of Aberdeen)

Richard Wheeler (Human Computer Learning Foundation)


AI-2007 Twenty-seventh SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions | workshops
proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers | enquiries | social
venue | accommodation | machine intell. competition | speakers | previous conferences

accepted papers | paper format | UK universities RAE 2008 | info for authors of accepted papers