AI-2014 Thirty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 9-11 DECEMBER 2014

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Application Keynote Lecture

Dr. Peter Rausch (Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Georg Simon Ohm, Germany)

Horizon 2121: The AI-Revolution Has Just Begun: A Case Study


The technical knowledge grew dramatically in the last decades. However there were temporary doubts concerning the benefits of AI applications. At first, we will take a brief look back. We will see a lot of progress in many fields of AI applications, like speech recognition, big data, the usage of drones etc. Meanwhile, many are commodities. Successes in inexpensive infrastructure technologies like mobile networks, sensor technologies boosted AI, additionally. This will be demonstrated by means of an example from the construction industry. The question will be: What‘s next and where do we go from here? Referring to the EU research program the case study will be picked up to get ideas for a horizon 2121 program. Possible developments and the related benefits as well as unsolved issues will be analysed.

Peter Rausch is professor of Information Systems at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology - Georg Simon Ohm and has published many papers, articles and book chapters. Recently, he published a book on performance management and business intelligence. Peter’s current research activities are focused on fuzzy technologies, business planning and process automation. He holds a PhD in business administration from Frankfurt University and has spent several years working in the fields of software development, business process optimization and consulting. As a program manager, he was the head of process and tool management in the Sales Support Department of Sun Microsystems, Germany. Later on, he was responsible for an integration environment which was part of an industry solution at a software company. Afterwards, Peter became professor of Information Systems at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. In 2008 he accepted an offer as professor of Information Systems at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology - Georg Simon Ohm. Additionally, he is the head of a small company which is specialized on mobile software solutions and business intelligence.


AI-2014 Thirty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 9-11 DECEMBER 2014

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internet access for delegates