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Technical Keynote Lecture
Dr. Detlef Nauck, Chief Research Scientist for Data Science, BT Research and Innovation Division
The Future of AI in AnalyticsAbstract Businesses have recognised data analytics as the key for offering better customer experience and improving internal operations. Analytics underpins the digital transformation – the integration of digital technology into all areas of an organisation resulting in fundamental changes to operations and how to deliver value to customers. It involves a cultural change that requires organisations to experiment regularly, get comfortable with failure, and continually re-imagine how their processes could be implemented differently. All of this change is driven by data. Many organisations are struggling to make sense of all of the data they collect and in many areas data analytics remains a ‘cottage industry’ – run by highly skilled individuals in an ad hoc manner without truly being integrated into the fabric of the organisation as a repeatable process that yields reproducible results. AI has a big role to play in the professionalisation and proliferation of data analytics in organisations and in establishing best practice. The challenges where AI can help range from ensuring data quality over the detection of valuable features to the full automation of model creation and the explanation of decisions. In this talk I will highlight several of these challenges and illustrate them with use cases from BT’s research.
Detlef Nauck is Chief Research Scientist for Data Science with BT's Research and Innovation Division located at Adastral Park, Ipswich, UK. He is leading a group of international scientists working on research into Data Science, Machine Learning and AI developing innovative solutions in intelligent analytics and autonomics. Detlef focuses on establishing best practices in Data Science for conducting analytics professionally and responsibly and using new ways of analysing data to achieve better insights. Detlef’s wider research looks into new ways of making machines more intelligent and enabling them to self-learn, self-optimise and self-configure using advanced machine learning methods and data analysis techniques. The aim is to enable systems, processes and networks to reach a level of self-awareness that allows them to improve automatically and deliver better customer experience Detlef is a computer scientist by training and holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral Degree (Habilitation) in Machine Learning and Data Analytics. He is a Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University and a Private Docent at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany. He has published 3 books, over 120 papers, holds 8 patents and has 30 active patent applications.