
FAIRS'24 is intended to allow PhD and MRes/MPhil students working on AI related projects to discuss their research and issues around doing a PhD with senior scholars in the field and with other Forum attendees. The forum is aimed at those who have either completed a Master's degree in an AI field and who are interested in progressing to a PhD, or are current doctoral or research Masters students. It will give students the opportunity to receive feedback in addition to the supervisory arrangements at their own institution. Students will be expected to contribute to small workshop discussions on issues related to the conduct of the PhD.

The programme will begin at 10.30 a.m. to reduce the need for attendees to stay in Cambridge on Sunday night. (If modestly priced accommodation is required, Cambridge Youth Hostel (see has shared bedrooms from around £28.00 a night - please make your own reservation and payment arrangements). Registration for the Forum will open at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, but participants who cannot arrive before the 11.00 a.m. start are encouraged to come straight to the Forum venue.

The programme for the Forum will include a number of structured sessions. After the welcome messages there will be a short workshop session to set the tone of the day, followed by a presentation and discussion of "Getting a PhD - Doing Good Research", led by experts in the AI field with extensive experience of supporting and examining PhD students. During the lunch break students are encouraged to discuss their research with other Forum attendees. The first afternoon session (14:00-14:45) will see the participants split into working groups depending on the stage of their PhD, for discussion of issues, problems, suggestions, etc. Each group will be facilitated by an academic with experience of PhDs, and everyone is expected to get involved. This is followed by a two panel sessions (15:00-15:45 and 15:45-16:30) allowing participants to put their questions about PhD research and careers to a panel of academics, recent PhD students, and industrial representatives.

At the mid-afternoon and end-of-afternoon coffee breaks, students are again encouraged discuss their research with other attendees, and for an important opportunity for networking within the AI community.The evening session (from 17:00) is a lighthearted (but useful!) session on how to Survive Your Viva. This session and the Forum as a whole will close at 18:15.

Students attending the Forum are of course invited to participate in the main AI-2024 conference (i.e. December 17th-18th 2024). A discounted Student Rate is available for student delegates at the conference. The Forum will be a stand-alone programme which will take place the day before the conference. Full details are at

FAIRS’24 will be held in Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge.

The registration fee is £15 + VAT. The fee covers the refreshments during the day.

Getting there
Cambridge is within easy reach of the A14, the A11 and the M11. Click here for a map of the location.

Parking is problematic in the Cambridge area, and the University Centre web site recommends use of the following, all within a five minute walk:

1. Garden House Moat House Hotel car park, opposite the Centre (fee payable)
2. Lion Yard Car Park, on Corn Exchange Street off Pembroke Street (fee payable)
3. Silver Street, outside Darwin and Queens' Colleges (pay and display for motorcycles only)
4. Along the Backs (pay and display).

We would also suggest that you might consider using the Park and Ride facility, which has buses to the city centre.

If you have mobility problems or are a Blue Badge holder then we will of course be able to offer you parking near to the University Centre. Unfortunately we cannot extend this to other attendees.
We will invite students to join the organisers and speakers for lunch at the Cambridge University Centre (which is at the far end of Little St Mary’s Lane), paying for themselves if they wish to come.

A refund, excluding fees, will be issued if a cancellation request is received by 9 December 2024 (email to, otherwise, name substitutions will be allowed after this date.

If modestly priced accommodation is required, Cambridge Youth Hostel (see has bed and breakfast from around £28.00 a night - please make your own reservation and payment arrangements. Bed and Breakfast accommodation may also be available on a first come first served basis in Peterhouse College. Please contact the organisers to arrange this.


FAIRS'24 will be held at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge