SGAI Virtual Seminar Series 2024

Friday June 21st 2024 from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (UK time)

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The SGAI Virtual Seminar Series is a new series of free evening Zoom events, open to all, which ultimately we intend to run monthly from October to June on a Wednesday evening from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (UK time). No prior registration is needed.

It is organised on behalf of BCS SGAI - the BCS Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence.

The next seminar in the series is on Friday June 21st from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (UK time).

AI in Education: towards developing universal standards

This workshop seeks to explore the need for industry standards in AI in education, to understand the requirements and scope for any such standards, identify key stakeholders and consider the process by which standards might be collaboratively created and agreed. The workshop will consist of a series of short talks and discussion, initially establishing the current needs and expectations of Higher Education Institutions in relation to AI tools; then discussing the enterprise opportunities offered by use of AI in education and finally, by considering how and what kind of industry standards might be created to respond to the needs in the education sector. The aim of this event is to work to establish a network of professionals who can work collaboratively together in the development and realisation of industry standards in AI in education.


Organised by BCS SGAI
The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence